Write to Swamiji

Mahavatar Vishnudeva Saraswati is thought to be older than Mahakaya Babaji. His home is Siddha Loka, sometimes known as Gyan Ganj and also as  Shambala, situated some 6000 meters high on the Bhagirathi Parbat - the true source of the Ganga. Only at times of human need does he consent to descend to human habitation.


Ganesh with Shiva and Parvati - An Image of the Triadic Heart of Shiva

The Triadic Heart of Shiva
Quotations from 

All the varied fruits imagined and desired by us are based on a state of nonfullness. Indeed, once genuine fullness has been attained, what other fruit would we desire?

When the Heart is free of stains and a light occurs which illuminates the Supreme plane, by immersion in this shining light, one obtains identity with the Supreme Shiva, that is, with counsciousness.

The nature of adoration is, in fact, perfect fullness. In this way the blessed supreme Goddess, who is identical to our very Self, is well adored.

... how should he sacrifice properly? With the highest devotion, with reverence and with great faith, all of which grant him absorption. This great devotion consists in effecting the subordination of the finite levels of the body, the vital breath, and the subtle body. This subordination consists in accomplishing a state of humble devotion, whose nature is an immersion into the essence of that which results in the removal of those finite levels and the establishment of the superiority of the supreme consciousness, whose nature is the Divinity which has been described and which is to be sacrificed to.

This person (purusha) here in the heart is made of mind, is of the nature of light, is like a little grain of rice, is a grain of barley. This very one is ruler of everything, is lord of everything, governs this whole universe, whatsoever there is.

... the power which abides in the Heart (Shakti) is, above all, formed of an undivided self-referential consciousness.

This consciousness is vibratory light (sphuratta). It is absolute reality (mahasatta) which is beyond spatial and temporal distinctions. This consciousness being the universal essence is called the Heart of the Lord.

He (the Lord) throbs eternally beautiful with the elixir of this completely full Emission. That union of Shiva and Shakti is called love.

... the Ultimate, formed of consciousness, is always present everywhere, and is devoid of spatial or temporal dimensions, of prior and subsequent; it is undeniable and unconcealed. What then can be said of it?


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 This web  was last updated on 02/28/2002 .