Write to Swamiji

Mahavatar Vishnudeva Saraswati is thought to be older than Mahakaya Babaji. His home is Siddha Loka, sometimes known as Gyan Ganj and also as  Shambala, situated some 6000 meters high on the Bhagirathi Parbat - the true source of the Ganga. Only at times of human need does he consent to descend to human habitation.


Ancient Links Between Ancient Peoples

Brahmin from Rajasthan

Common  Roots
of Vedic and Celtic Culture and Spirituality

A Druid from Brittany


    The Celtic Peoples were spread across Europe about 4 millennia ago and moved into the British Isles and Ireland at the beginning of the last millenneum. The basic day to day spiritual needs of the tribe were generally met by the local shamans, usually women, while the spiritual and ethical welfare of the greater community of the Celtic Kingdoms was entrusted to the mysterious Druids.

A mystical-religious order, these Brahmins of the West trained for 20 years and more in philosphy, oration, metaphysics, ritual, magic, meditation, science, medicine and law. There were several levels of initiation and specialization within the Druidic order such as the Bards, through whom we have what little of the ancient wisdom is exant in ancient tales and songs. Druids were seldom tied to any kingdom or community. The Druids were free to come and go as they chose, for their own mysterious reasons. They generally held regional councils seasonally or in time of need.

The more one examines this ancient cultural and spiritual thread running through the history of Europe and the Western Isles, the more similarities one finds with the Vedic thread of culture and spirituality that runs through the even more ancient history of Bharat (India). The Celtic mark is stamped upon all the cultures of medieval and modern Europe. The Celtic traditions have most clearly survived in Irish faith and culture.This Celtic mark in nearly every instance finds a reflection in the ancient Vedic culture and it's influence upon modern Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism.

Just as our ancient Celtic forebears began each day by entering naked into the cold, sacred rivers for morning ablutions, chanting mantras in their Indo-European Celtic tongues, wearing topknots in their long hair "so emblematic of the brahmins," as recorded by Tacitus, the ancient historian. From surviving Celtic sculpture, we know special yogic sitting postures were utilized for spiritual purpose. The rubrics and rituals of our Celtic ancestors can be found in any number of the Vedic traditions of modern Bharat.. One of the most telling evidences of historical connection is in music.

If you are at all familiar with traditional Celtic music, especially the slow, yet rythmical mournful ballads will immediately recognize and even anticipate the melodic progression in Indian music from any of the traditions. As a musician myself, I can tell you that a note for note comparison between a Celtic tune and a Hindu tune would show amazing similarities.Druids, in their capacity as the 'spiritual elite' of Celtic society and in their severe and comprehensive training are unique, their only counterparts are the rishi seers and brahmins of Bharat in Vedic times.

The decimation of the Druidic order by the Romans and the subsequent absorption of Celtic culture into Christianity by the Church has left us with precious little knowledge of the Druids, and little more about Celtic daily life. One Greek historian's eyewitness description of an old, bearded druid has him draped in a white, cowled cloak, wielding a sacred gold sickle to harvest a branch of the sacred mistletoe from a holy oak tree. The woolen cowled cloaks were an insignia of druidship-though not always white-as were triple-ended staffs and other talismans embossed with chariot wheel, swastika or triple-swirl symbols. The white robes may have been reserved for the most sagely, psychic druids, called ovates. Their hair swept long, often braided or curled in a topknot. This physical description is uncannily like a typical description of a Brahmin, from nearly any age of India's history. We know that they were exempt from taxes and from warfare, but were required to teach warriors breathing and chanting techniques to induce a battle-trance, or blood-lust, and high body heat, a sign of psychic energy.

The Druids did not dwell in the villages or towns with the general population. They kept to themselves, alone or in austere caves or timber cloisters, just as the holy men of Bharat, be they Brahmins, swamis or sannyasins. On the ancient and magickal island of Avalon (modern Glatonbury?) was a community of priestesses. Depending on what one felt called to, a Druid served the greater community in any number of capacities; seer, nemeton priest, judge, king's counselor, lawyer, bard, healer, or astronomer.


Some Comparisons:





Vedic gods are called devas, meaning "shinning ones." A philosophically pantheistic overlay built on earlier anthropomorphic deities based on the forces of nature, ethics, culture, and physical skills. Celtic gods are called deuos, also meaning "shinning ones." Based on a Shamanic, animistic polytheism, the advent of the Druidic order into Celtic society injected a more pantheistic view of deity.


Posits four major interrelated worlds, or planes: the Physical Plane (the phenomenal world perceived by our physical senses), the Astral Plane (the realm of demigods and various non-carnate spirits) and Causal Plane(the realm of Supreme Deity and primal energy), and a hell of sorts, which is more of a corridor to the other three planes rather than it's own plane. Four major interrelated worlds, or realms; the Nether Realm (Subconscious mind, through which we reach the non-physical realms or planes of existence), the Earth Realm (Conscious mind), the Heavenly Realm (Superconscious mind), and the Star Realm (Cosmic consciousness, transcendent of mind, the abode of all primal energy.)


The soul incarnates again and again in response to karma, or the effects caused by actions taken and accumulated life after life until one has attained moksha, or liberation from samsara, the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth. The Sankrit word for soul is atman. Although there is only a vague conception of karma, reincarnation was an accepted fact of life among the Celts, who also tended to worship their more successful ancestor, judging their need to be reborn by the physical accomplishments of life. The Gaelic (Celtic) word for soul is anam.


Brahmins study for 12 years to learn oration, mathematics, ritual, astrology, medicine and vedic knowledge. Yogis perform amazing physical austerities through yoga. Breath control is central, the Sankrit word for breath is prana. Druids studied for up to 20 years to learn oration, mathematics, ritual, astrology, statecraft, diplomacy, and medicine. They also practiced severe austerities, also involving breath control. The Gaelic (Celtic) word for breath is anah.


The ancient Vedic scholars were noted for memorizing the lengthy epics conveying spiritual knowledge and dharmic duty. The poetic metre for these sagas was typically fixed syllable line, free form with 3-part cadence. The Bards of the Druidic order were required to memorize the Celtic sagas conveying metaphysical truths and civic duty. The poetic metre for the Celtic sagas was also fixed syllable, free form with a 3-part cadence.


Hindus (especially during the Vedic period) elevated the feminine virtues, allowing them to own property and to serve the goddess as priestess. Celts prized strong women, who fought along side the men in war. Celtic women could own property and serve the goddess as priestess.


The central part of puja, or worship is the fire sacrifice, performed in a fire pit, with offerings of spices and rice, accompanied by chanting. The focal point of a Celtic ritual is the fire, in a central pit. Offerings to the gods of food and wine were thrown into the fire, usually with chanting.


The Vedas show a special appreciation for honesty, even as a supernatural power. Honor and Eloquence are highly valued


The Celtic sense of Honor is strong and deep. Truth-sayers and orators were held in the same respect as kings among the Celts.



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