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Mahavatar Vishnudeva Saraswati is thought to be older than Mahakaya Babaji. His home is Siddha Loka, sometimes known as Gyan Ganj and also as  Shambala, situated some 6000 meters high on the Bhagirathi Parbat - the true source of the Ganga. Only at times of human need does he consent to descend to human habitation.


From The  Artharva Veda

Sabha Sukta 
Atharvaveda (Shaunakiya) VII.12.1-4

May the Assembly and the Council,
The two daughters of Prajapati, be in concord and protect me!
May every one I meet guide me;
Fathers, may I speak finely in the meetings. ||1||

I know thy name, O Assembly,
“The Desired of Men” is the name thoy hast;
May all those who are thy members
Agree with me in my opinion. ||2||

Let us receive the brilliance
And the wisdom of those seated here together;
And among those people assembled here
Make me the illustrious, Indra! ||3||

Whether your thoughts are turned away
Or are bound fast here and here,
I turn those thoughts of yours around,
In me may your thoughts delight. ||4||

Reference: Hymns from the Vedas by A C Bose


Hymn for Fearlessness
Abhaya Sukta (freedom from fear)
Atharvaveda (Shaunakiya) XIX.15.1-6

Free us Indra, from the fear of all that we are afraid of,
May Thou, with thy saving power,
Turn away the hater and the enemy. ||1||

We beseech Indra, the bounteous Giver,
We will be prosperous on men and cattle.
Let not the evil powers approach us;
Turn the hostiles who surround us, away. ||2||

Adorable Indra, our Savior,
The slayer of Vritra, fulfiller of our highest ambitions;
May he be our protector from yonder,
From the middle, from behind and from the front. ||3||

Lead us to a free world, Wise One!
Where lie the divine luster, sunlight and security.
Valiant are Thy arms of Thee, the Almighty,
And we seek shelter in them. ||4||

May the mid regions free us from all fear,
And both the Heaven and Earth make us secure.
Let there be for us, no fear from the west,
No fear from the east, no fear from the north and no fear from the south. ||5||

Let there be no fear from friend, no fear from foe,
No fear from the known, no fear from that which lies before us unkown.
Let there be no fear for us from night, no fear from day,
May all the directions be my friends! ||6||

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