Write to Swamiji

Mahavatar Vishnudeva Saraswati is thought to be older than Mahakaya Babaji. His home is Siddha Loka, sometimes known as Gyan Ganj and also as  Shambala, situated some 6000 meters high on the Bhagirathi Parbat - the true source of the Ganga. Only at times of human need does he consent to descend to human habitation.


The Coin Meditation

    Here is a meditation I was taught by one of my old teachers soon after my own realisation in 1965 -  Paramhansa Swami Satyananda Saraswati - it is 'The Rupee-Ajna Meditation - A Psychic Breathing Exercise' - good for physical healing of all kimds and spiritual awareness …

     This meditation uses a rupee, or any copper/silver coin, combined with breathing, visualisation, and backward counting. The exercise is very effective for smoothing out brain waves, producing an altered state of consciousness, and many siddhis.

     Remember this one fact: focusing on anything -  an object, an image, a chakra, or anything else - or what we call  meditation itself, is  simply a method (yukti) to achieve an altered state of consciousness. This can happen in many other ways - an emotional crisis, sexual excitement, etc - without any meditation or external and internal aids whatsoever.

     The most advanced teachers and guides do not meditate at all - they are able to call on an altered state of consciousness at will - this is where I want you to be, while others are chasing after 'new' methods of meditation, asanas, poojas, etc …

     In the Hindi view, the human mind is merely a vehicle through which the Absolute is able to manifest itself on the material plane, the human body is simply a physical expression of Brahman/Atman, and all the yogas  are a  means of divine functioning (action) - those who are able to be all three are fully realised, and are god/goddess in human form.  


Counting  - usually, but not always, backwards - is a means of 'distracting' or 'occupying' the left side of the brain (logic, reason, verbal processes, etc) while allowing the right side (intuitive, psychic, spiritual) to be receptive to non-physical experiences - visualising a stream of white light (or any glowing colour) entering Ajna, for example.


Copper coin - usually prefered because of its association with Venus and Aphrodite (the Western goddess of Love), and copper is also analgestic, anti-inflammatory, a good conductor of electricity, and with 'magical' properties similar to quartz crystal - is often used in the West. However, silver (and gold) have equally physical and spiritual properties - so you pays your money, and take your pick. On a practical level, the coin is actually a very effective - and inexpensive - biofeedback 'machine'. It monitors tension in the forehead  - indicates (if it falls) you are not properly relaxed - and is a good 'attention-fixer'. The frontal bone of the firehead is the only area of the body where a 'vacuum suction' effect can be produced - allowing the coin to 'stick', if properly relaxed - if the coin is free of grease, and dirt, and clean and dry.


(1)   Place the coin flat between the eyebrows, at the root of the nose, holding it with a finger.

(2)   Slide it up to the centre of the forehead.

(3)   Push the coin firmly against the forehead with a forefinger, then take the forefinger away.

(4)   The coin should now stay in place as long as you keep the forehead muscles relaxed - any contraction - conscious or unconscious - will make the coin fall, and you must do the same procedure again until you can get the coin to stay fixed throughout the meditation.


Now become aware of the  breath flow in and out of your nostrils - this should be 'natural', meaning steady and comfortable. On the inhalation visualise energy (white, blue, or gold) flowing up the right nostril to the Third Eye - which you now physically feel as the coin. On the exhale visualise the energy flowing from the Ajna point out of your left nostril.

     You then reverse this procedure so that the inhalation is now up the left nostril to the coin, and the exhalation from Ajna out the right nostril. Now say 'ten' - you will be counting backwards - and you have completed one complete breath. Do the same again, counting down to zero, then begin again at ten. This should be done for about 20/30 minutes - you may lose count, but don't worry, this is often a sign of going into the first stage of an altered state of consciousness - and don’t worry if you fall 'asleep'.        

    It will be a 'receptive' sleep.

    If you feel you have lost count because you are not concentrating - or the coin falls - start again. After some time - short or long - you will not need the coin and you will be able to induce an altered state of consciouness anywhere at anytime - even travelling on train or bus, or at a boring party!

    Be ready to 'go with the flow' if you feel yourself moving into an altered state of consciousness  … 


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 This web  was last updated on 02/28/2002 .